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GENERIC HIV Charge Virale
GENERIC HIV Charge Virale test is a quantification tool of viral load regarding HIV-1 in contaminated patients under treatment or not. This test relies on two main technical stages:
1. Retroviral RNA extraction using automated method
2. Amplification by real-time PCR of RNA extract
Targeted region located at the level of LTR genomic sequences (Long Terminal Repeat)
Detection limit: 390 copies/mL for a 250 µL sample
Special features: HIV-1 M Group, subtype A to H
Linearity: 200 at 5 x 10E6 copies/mL
Duration: 3 hours (extraction + amplification)
Type of sample: plasma taken from anticoagulants (EDTA or citrate sodium)
Not for sale in the USA, Brazil, Australia, Japan and Canada.
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